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Uniquely powerful

Data Analysis and Prediction for Data Leaders.

Meet Hoprun

Receive, analyse, predict and store data Uniquely with Hoprun.

Store Form Data

Store Form Data

Create low-code customisable form fields, specify validation rules and store submitted values securely.

Intuitive Data Analysis

Intuitive Data Analysis

Intuitive data analysis to help anyone and everyone gain insight on stored and collected form data.

Import & Combine Data

Import & Combine Data

Connect your existing databases, and import data from files for advanced management and analysis.

Event Tracking

Event Tracking

Track and capture important user events, predict and receive detailed analytics on user behaviour.

Interactive Analysis

Interactive Analysis

Simplified interactions using simple prompts or questions to manage, analyse and forecast trends.

Take a walk with hoprun
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Say goodbye to static forms and spinning up a whole new inflexible backend.

With mailpigeon for Hoprun, you can now collect form submissions from your users, monitoring responses in real time, notifying you of unique activities to help you make data-driven decisions.

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Starling for Hoprun specializes in Advanced AI technologies, such as natural language processing and machine learning, to simplify data for product teams, data teams, sales teams, leadership, and literally everyone.

Coming soon...

Coming soon...

Launching soon

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